Adam Twardoch
Public repositories:
- twardoch/1337-Scheme
- 1337 - A Color Scheme for dark Sublime Text
- twardoch/abel-font-ofl
- Abel font by Matt Desmond
- twardoch/academmunicons-font
- Academmunicons is a specialist variable icon font family for academics
- twardoch/aots
- Annotated OpenType Specification
- twardoch/apaplexy-fonts
- Apache 2-licensed fork of IBM Plex fonts from
- twardoch/brex-font
- Brex, an IBM Plex fork
- twardoch/castoro-fonts-volt
- Castoro libre fonts
- twardoch/clinker-mktheme
- A clean, responsive MkDocs theme
- twardoch/compositor
- A basic OpenType GSUB and GPOS layout engine.
- twardoch/dos-font-utils
- Old font utils written in BASIC for DOS (now rewritten in FreeBASIC)
- twardoch/ezgooey
- Simplified usage of that turns argparse-based Python CLIs into GUI apps
- twardoch/Fairplay-fonts
- Playfair Display is an Open Source typeface family for display and titling use.
- twardoch/feaLab
- Tools for dealing with OpenType Layout features and the AFDKO FEA language
- twardoch/feature-tags
- A curated guide to the OpenType Specification feature tag repository
- twardoch/font-playground
- A fun place to play with variable fonts.
- twardoch/fontbakery
- Font quality assurance tool written in Python 3.
- twardoch/fontmake
- Compile fonts from sources (UFO, Glyphs) to binary (OpenType, TrueType).
- twardoch/fontsurgery
- twardoch/fontsurgery-tools
- Some tools for variable fonts
- twardoch/fonttools-opentype-feature-freezer
- OTFeatureFreezer GUI app and pyftfeatfreeze commandline tool in Python to permanently “apply” OpenType features to fonts, by remapping their Unicode assignments
- twardoch/fonttools-py27
- Last Python 2.7-compatible fontTools 3.44.x from with selected fixes applied from
- twardoch/fonttools-ttxjson
- twardoch/free-fonts
- Free fonts available under the Apache license
- twardoch/gftools
- Misc tools for working with the Google Fonts library
- twardoch/gimeltra
- No-nonsense simple transliteration between writing systems, mostly of Semitic origin
- twardoch/gitignore
- A collection of useful .gitignore templates
- twardoch/glyphNameFormatter
- Generate list of glyphnames from unicode names.
- twardoch/Glyphs-Scripts
- Some useful scripts to work with Glyphs
- twardoch/GlyphsInfo
- This is the basic subset of the glyph info that is used inside
- twardoch/Gooey
- Turn (almost) any Python command line program into a full GUI application with one line
- twardoch/googlefonts-images
- images of all Google Fonts
- twardoch/Graduate-Variable-Font
- GRADUATE Variable Font by Eduardo Tunni
- twardoch/groto-fonts-apache2
- Groto is an OpenType font family based on Roboto, subsetted to some 1160+ glyphs covering the Latin alphabet. Compared with Roboto, it includes a wider range of widths.
- twardoch/harfpy
- Python wrapper for HarfBuzz
- twardoch/hecate
- Automagically generate thumbnails, animated GIFs, and summaries from videos
- twardoch/httrack
- HTTrack Website Copier, copy websites to your computer (Official repository)
- twardoch/hyperglot
- Hyperglot: a database and tools for detecting language support in fonts
- twardoch/jlm
- Design elements for the Journal of Language Modelling
- twardoch/jlm-theme
- A clean, simple OJS 3 theme with a boxed layout that mimics a paper document.
- twardoch/keycastr
- KeyCastr, an open-source keystroke visualizer
- twardoch/knitr-examples
- a collection of knitr examples
- twardoch/libsvgo
- The core code of SVGO, optimized to be portable
- twardoch/mac-os-x-system-font-replacer
- twardoch/macos-surgery
- Various personal macOS things
- twardoch/madcow
- Mac ADd COmmands Wsomething: Very simple, stupid, private & opinionated “package manager” for CLI tools on my macOS
- twardoch/markdown-css
- CSS for making regular HTML look like plain-text markdown.
- twardoch/markdown-include
- Provides syntax for Python-Markdown which allows for the inclusion of the contents of other Markdown documents.
- twardoch/markdown-rundown
- Summary of Markdown formatting styles
- twardoch/markdown-steroids
- Some extensions for Python Markdown
- twardoch/markdown-utils
- Various utilities for working with Markdown-based documents
- twardoch/micropress
- Python blog generator for hackers
- twardoch/mkdocs-combine
- Convert an MkDocs Markdown source site to a single Markdown document
- twardoch/mkdocs-material
- A Material Design theme for MkDocs
- twardoch/mkdocs-nbconvert
- twardoch/mkdocs-plugin-tags
- twardoch/monoto-fonts-ofl
- twardoch/munch
- A Munch is a Python dictionary that provides attribute-style access (a la JavaScript objects).
- twardoch/noto-builder-app
- Scripts, data and libraries to work with Noto fonts and sources
- twardoch/noto-emoji
- Noto Emoji fonts
- twardoch/nototools
- Noto fonts support tools and scripts plus web site generation
- twardoch/opentype-layout
- opentype-layout working group documents
- twardoch/pdfkit-varfonts
- A JavaScript PDF generation library for Node and the browser
- twardoch/phantomstyle
- NOTE!!! The licensing files in this repo are NOT VALID for this repo. They are solely a proposal, for the purpose of incorporating them into the upstream !!!
- twardoch/poppler.js-demo
- Demo of poppler.js, a complete PDF-to-HTMLcanvas renderer
- twardoch/pybidi
- Python wrapper for FriBidi
- twardoch/pydocmk2
- Build Python 2 documentation using MkDocs
- twardoch/pyfontaine
- Python tool to check font files for language/character set support
- twardoch/pyfs-utils
- Some utilities around PyFilesystem2
- twardoch/pyhecate
- Automagically generate thumbnails, animated GIFs, and summaries from videos. Python CLI wrapper for
- twardoch/pymdknit
- knitpy: Elegant, flexible and fast dynamic report generation with python
- twardoch/pymdown-extensions
- Extensions for Python Markdown
- twardoch/pypolona
- Search the website of the Polish National Library and download all images from publications
- twardoch/pyqtuidoc
- twardoch/python_freetype
- Python language binding for FreeType library
- twardoch/qahirah
- Yet another Python binding for the Cairo graphics library
- twardoch/qt-json-editor
- Update for for Qt 5.3
- twardoch/quickjs
- Thin Python wrapper of
- twardoch/quickjs-1
- Unpacked tarball of Fabrice Bellard’s QuickJS
- twardoch/quickjs2py-example
- twardoch/remark-comments-three
- remark-comments-three
- twardoch/remark-kbd-plus
- Plugin for remark to allow ++Cmd++ -> Cmd
- twardoch/remark-mark-plus
- Plugin for remark to allow ==Text me== -> Text me
- twardoch/remark-wiki-link-a
- Parse and render wiki links.
- twardoch/remarkdown
- Styling HTML as if it were raw Markdown text.
- twardoch/remarkpy
- Python interface to the UnifiedJS/RemarkJS world, using QuickJS
- twardoch/robofab
- RoboFab
- twardoch/roboto
- The Roboto family of fonts
- twardoch/samsa
- Variable font inspector
- twardoch/schticks-fonts-ofl
- The Schticks Text font family is an OFL-licensed fork of the STIX Two Text fonts, with a wider weight range and a width range.
- twardoch/Smyck-Color-Scheme
- Color Scheme for, iTerm2, Vim, MacVim, Sublime Text2 and Textmate
- twardoch/staticjinja
- Minimalist Python library for building static sites w/ Jinja2 [twardoch fork]
- twardoch/staticjinja2
- Experimental changes to
- twardoch/statmake
- Generate STAT tables for variable fonts from .stylespace files
- twardoch/stixfonts
- OpenType Unicode fonts for Scientific, Technical, and Mathematical texts
- twardoch/subtitle-edit-mac-wine
- Way to use on macOS 11
- twardoch/svgop
- Standalone binary executables for macOS and Windows of ‘svgo’, the SVG optimizer
- twardoch/test-fonts
- Various test fonts (OpenType, OpenType with TrueType GX variation extensions, Multiple Master) for testing implementations of font formats
- twardoch/toto-fonts
- Noto fonts from Sep 23, 2015 (last Apache 2-licensed version) from
- twardoch/toto-han-fonts
- Source Han Sans fonts v1.001 (last Apache 2-licensed version) by Adobe from
- twardoch/totw-fonts
- TOTW (Top of the WOFFs) — collection of open-source OpenType fonts curated by Adam Twardoch
- twardoch/ttfdiet
- ‘TTF DIacritics Encoding Tool’ applies a diet to a .ttf font: it modernizes the way in which glyphs for precomposed Unicode characters are stored in a TrueType-flavored OpenType font, and reduces the font’s file size.
- twardoch/twardoch-fontlab-scripts
- Python scripts for FontLab 7 by Adam Twardoch
- twardoch/twardoch-itunes-scripts
- Small collection of iTunes/MP3-related scripts that I wrote in Python some years ago.
- twardoch/
- GitHub user page for Adam Twardoch
- twardoch/twilight-tmTheme-better-json-highlight
- This is the original, twilight theme that ships with sublime, with added rules for better JSON syntax highlighting
- twardoch/TypeRig
- Font Development Toolkit for FontLab VI
- twardoch/udhr
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- twardoch/udhr-custom
- Custom work around the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Unicode
- twardoch/ufo-spec
- The official Unified Font Object specification source files.
- twardoch/ufo2ft
- A bridge from UFOs to FontTool objects (and therefore, OTFs and TTFs).
- twardoch/ufoLib2
- A library to deal with UFO font sources.
- twardoch/unicodeblocks
- Python module for unicode blocks.
- twardoch/urw-core35-fonts
- Fork of defunct
- twardoch/varfonts-ofl
- Variable OpenType fonts under the SIL OFL license, samples and development tools & workflows
- twardoch/varfonts-typolabs2017
- twardoch/vdhh
- Veertu Desktop Hosted Hypervisor
- twardoch/vfjLib
- A low-level VFJ reader and writer.
- twardoch/vm-snippets
- Some snippets for dealing with virtual machines, mostly for VMWare and macOS
- twardoch/vscode-remark
Beautify markdown code with Remark for VS Code.
- twardoch/vscode-remarklint
- Markdown linting and style checking with ‘remark’ for Visual Studio Code
- twardoch/webcatalog
- Run Web Apps like Real Apps
- twardoch/wiktra-update
- Tool to update
- twardoch/wiktra2
- Wiktra: transliteration tool using Wiktionary transliteration modules. Version 2 (fork)
- twardoch/wp2static-addon-copy
- S3 deployment Add-on for WP2Static
- twardoch/writwist
- Metapackage for transliteration
- twardoch/yaplon
- Python 3-based commandline converter YAML ↔ JSON ↔ PLIST
- twardoch/zmarkdown
- Live demo:
Last update: 2017-04-05